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Action Required Now: MSUK Rule Proposals that affect your Club.

Regardless of the club you race with, if you take part in race series (not championships), you need to read this and take action, by emailing Motorsport UK directly, before 29th August.

Please send an email to MSUK in your own words, but if it helps, you may copy and paste suggestions, from the bottom of this article. Please share this with every driver, forum, social group and club you know, fill the form out accordingly and email it to: (we don't need a copy).

A Motorsport UK race committee meeting took place on 19th June. It has taken seven weeks for these proposals to be published (8th August), leaving licence holders just three weeks to have their say.

This proposal has significant implications for anyone who races in series (without points or an overall winner). Drivers enter series races, rather than championships, for a number of reasons:

  • Cost savings, by not having to commit to a full season. This proposal stands to hurt those competing on a budget.

  • Unlimited number of events and venues. What is the reason for limiting a series to only 6 rounds?

  • Friendly racing, with arguably less contact/aggravation/politics, as there are no points to fight over.

  • Higher driving standards.

  • Relaxed and friendly paddock atmosphere with competitors willing to help each other.

  • Simple regulations.

  • Freedom to change regulations through the season, allowing a club to move quickly if a problem becomes apparent.

  • Cost savings that are passed on to drivers: a series has a cheaper MSUK registration fee.

  • No need for expensive Eligibility Scrutineers that have to be paid for and there is currently a severe shortage of them. Scrutineering is less time-consuming and onerous.

  • Often no need for Parc Ferme.

  • Series have raced overseas successfully for many years. Why is this to be stopped?

  • Drivers want easy to read regulations, having to change to the 'prescribed format' that championships currently use makes it more time consuming for competitors and organisers alike.

Our reasons for opposing this proposed rule change:

  • If clubs (or individuals) are misusing the series by being a championship in everything but name, crack down on them, no need to re-write the rule book.

  • We don't believe there is any confusion among drivers between a series and a championship.

  • If clubs wished to comply and register their series as a championship, the date for doing so has already passed!

  • Circuits would receive less revenue, if series are restricted to only 6 events, leading them to put prices up further.

If the proposals go through this may only be 6 events next year.

Conclusion We strongly oppose the following parts of the proposal: That these proposals were even made by the race committee, who should be acting in the best interests of licence holders. The short period of time remaining for licence holders to respond. Restrictions proposed on numbers of rounds. Preventing an overseas round. Having to re-write established regulations to the much longer 'prescribed format'.

We support the following parts of the proposal: 4. A Series may not be titled to suggest an overall Award. It must not have any reference to Cup, Trophy or any other similar title.

Motorsport UK will mandate specific wording at the head of any set of Series Regulations which will make it clear there are no points, nor an overall winner.

Support an initiative to make it clear that end of season series awards are not to be issued for reasons of cumulative success, with penalties against those who don't comply moving forwards. The CSCC had already taken steps to ensure any wording on 2024 awards given in November are clearer in what they are awarded for.

Conclusion: Proposal 2 is not of concern, as it gives those clubs wishing to allow this technology the right to add this to their regulations.

Possible wording you may like to edit, or copy and paste, to 

Dear Motorsport UK,

I am writing in response to two regulations proposals.

Action-Sheet-Q6.2 I do not wish to see series restricted to a maximum of 6 rounds. A series should be allowed to have a round(s) overseas, as they have done in many seasons past (provided the correct application is made).

I want to continue enjoying a series' simple regulations, friendly paddock atmosphere and the ability to enter rounds as my budget allows, sometimes with different race series and organisers.


Provided a racing club is able to authorise the use of these devices in their regulations, I don't have a problem with this proposal.

Yours sincerely,

Signed/Typed Motorsport UK Licence number:



Amelia Willson
Amelia Willson
Aug 30

Thanks For Shairng


dromond melody
dromond melody
Aug 26

A Series may not be titled in a manner that implies an overarching Award. The text should not contain any mention of Cup, Trophy, or any other such designation. doodle baseball

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