As we rapidly approach the Race Retro show, track day and our first race meeting, it's the time of year our small office team risks being overwhelmed, if you lovely members all leave things to the last minute. We have therefore put together this article to help you get organised, saving everyone stress. If every driver ticked off every item on this list, the CSCC team would have more time to deliver an even better service to you at the circuits.

If you have not already done so, please:
Join the club and register your car. It is not an instant process, so it's worth registering now. You will not be able to enter any races online until this has been done and your application processed.
Enter the Silverstone race now. We estimate that another 100 of you will still enter! After 23rd February the price rises, to encourage you to enter earlier. If your car is not quite ready, still enter now, then drop up us a quick email to keep us in the loop. If we know in advance there could be a problem, we can come up with a solution and possibly a later refund agreement. Great news, with extra parking space secured this year, there is no requirement to have to move your trailers as we used to do at the International!
Email us a photo or scan of your 2025 race licence. Some of you will have done this when registering, but more than half of you have yet to do this. You only need to do this once in a season, so please do it now, please don't wait for us to chase you.
Add your second driver (where relevant). There are two ways of adding them to your entry, either by asking the CSCC office for their competitor ID number (not membership number) so you can add them online, OR they fill out an entry form. Either way is fine, but don't forget or they may not get to race, or at the very least, have to pay a £30 late entry fee. Did you know that to save you any extra work, you can set a team mate to automatically be your default second driver? Ask us how.
If you have completed the four steps above and you are new to racing with the CSCC, the meeting final instructions, entry list, tickets and paddock plan are always sent out nine or ten days before the meeting (Thursday of the week before the race meeting). If you haven't received this information, or tickets with a week to go, something has gone wrong, so please contact the office. Every meeting, we have a few drivers or team members phone us as we are driving to the circuit, saying they've not been sent tickets, where do they park etc? Please don't leave it this late, it can, in some cases, be too late, and therefore impossible for us to help. So, if you've not received tickets or finals with a week to go, call us.
At the same time as final instructions and tickets are sent to you, you will be invited to sign on for the meeting. This is a mandatory Motorsport UK requirement and fortunately takes less than 60 seconds, once logged in to your CSCC online account. We then send a final reminder to drivers with 3 or 4 days to go. Those who have yet to sign on, once we have left for the circuit, are regrettably referred to the Clerks, which will delay your morning and could risk a Motorsport UK fine (no-one wants that to happen). Apologies if this all sounds draconian, but Hannah and Jo (race secretaries) are working flat out and drivers not signed on, takes up a considerable amount of their time. I'm sure you'd want to know that you are covered by insurance and the drivers around you on the track have a valid race licence, as well as agreeing to all the T's and C's that govern our sport.
Finally, please read what we send you. Think of it not as a chore, but as a performance advantage. The very best and successful drivers in the club, are those who not only have a well-developed car and skills as a driver, but take the time to read and digest the regulations, using them to their advantage when the time comes. If yours is a pit-stop race, read and understand the regs, come up with a game-plan and practice, practice, practice.